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Do Ice Packs Help with Fever?

Cold has been used for decades to help reduce fever. Most people use a cold washcloth or even take a cold shower. But what about ice packs? Can they help lower a fever? Let’s find out.

Credit: Envato Elements/ nosovaolha


What Happens When You Have a Fever? 

A fever occurs when your body temperature rises above the normal range of 98.6°F (37°C). This is usually a sign that your immune system is fighting an infection. Your body raises its temperature to make it harder for viruses and bacteria to survive. You might start to feel hot, sweaty, or even cold and shivery. You could also have a headache, body aches, or feel super tired. While fevers can be uncomfortable, they are usually not dangerous unless they go above 103°F or 39.4°C.

Can Ice Packs Reduce Fever?

Yes, ice packs can help reduce a fever, but they won’t cure whatever’s causing it. The cooling effect in some cases might be temporary. Once the ice pack is removed, the body may warm up again. Along with ice packs, make sure to get plenty of rest, eat nutritious food with protein present, and drink plenty of water to get the fever down.

How to Use Ice Packs for Fever

If you want to use an ice pack to help lower a fever, here’s the right way to do it:


Step 1: Wrap the ice pack in a thin towel or cloth. Never put an ice pack directly on your skin as it might cause ice burns.

Step 2: Place the ice pack on your forehead, back of your neck, under your arms, or on your wrists. These areas have major blood vessels close to the skin, so they help cool your body down faster.

Step 3: Keep the ice pack on for 15-20 minutes at a time, then take a break.

Step 4: If you start shivering, stop using the ice pack. Shivering actually raises your body temperature. Instead, switch to a cool, damp cloth or a lukewarm bath.

Note: Make sure to drink plenty of water when you have a fever. Fevers make you sweat, so you need to replace lost fluids.

When Should You Go to the Doctor?

Fevers usually go away on their own, but in some cases, medical attention is needed. Seek help if:

  • The fever is above 103°F (39.4°C).

  • The fever lasts more than three days.

  • There are severe symptoms like confusion, difficulty breathing, or dehydration.

  • The person experiencing the fever is an infant under three months old.


Final Thoughts

Ice packs can help you feel better, but they don’t fix the cause of the fever. They’re just a way to stay comfortable while your body fights off whatever’s making you sick. For the best results, use ice packs along with other fever-reducing methods like hydration and rest. And make sure to monitor the fever and seek medical attention if necessary. 

Need a quick and easy way to cool down? Nice Packs ice packs provide fast, effective relief for fevers, injuries, and more. Just grab one, wrap it in a cloth, and feel the difference. Shop with us today.


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